Thursday, June 25, 2009

Touch me, baby, but don't mess up my hair...

Oh, Lady Gaga lyrics... Anyways, print progress! This here is the sketch for the sexified Sephiroth print. I'm having a lot of fun with the sketch but I KNOW I'm going to hate it when it comes to the inks. Which... are really only inks in name. Whatever. Here it is, with bonus face closeup (and a view of the cover for the new Cobra Starship album, Hot Mess). You'll probably be able to follow my progress tomorrow on my Twitter. By the way, I fail SO HARD at eyes. I can never make both look like they belong on the same face. T^T

No guaruntees though. Mooshu and I are doing a Tank Girl collab, effective tomorrow. She's doing the base sketch, I'm doing clothes, she's doing inks, I'm doing colors. We're both thumbnailing and coming up with stuff. Look forward to it!

EDIT FOR GAMBIT PROGRESS! His flats are done. His, ahem, body hair will be a finishing touch. As will Sephiroth's. Surely, this will make the tweenie anime loving girls squeal and flock to my table at cons. Also, anatomy and skin practice, woo! And hair. I like doing hair...
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